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  • Writer's pictureChelsea Klimkewicz

Tips: Getting your home ready to Sell

Getting your house ready to sell takes a lot more than luck and positive vibes. It takes work!

Below I’ve listed the most important tips for your to-do list.

1- Improve Curb Appeal: First impressions matter you know… And what do buyers see first? Your yard! Enhance your front yard to leave a lasting impression on your buyers.

2- Eliminate Clutter: I’m sure you knew this was coming! Try and put yourself in the buyer’s shoes, would you want to view a messy, cluttered home?

3- Deep Clean: A clean house leaves a strong impression for buyers and is absolutely essential to get your home sold faster. Your buyers should feel a sense of freshness after they view it, not like they need to triple sanitize afterwards.

4- Depersonalize: Take the home out of the house. Yes, it’s important to make sure your house has a “homey” feel but you also have to allow your buyers to imagine themselves in your home. It’s hard to do that when pics of your family vacay are everywhere they look. If you don’t know what should stay and go, consider hiring a stager.

5- Make Repairs: That doorknob that needs a good jiggle- and sometimes a secret password, the electrical sockets that haven’t worked for decades.

Now that you’re selling it’s super important to see these “quirks” in the eyes of your buyers because some of them might just be deal-breakers.

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